I've come to the swift conclusion that there is really no way that I'm going to remember and be able to post the fun things I want to share in any chronological order. It's just not going to happen! I told my husband that I need his help remembering some of the funnier things Anna has said and he gave me a few.
Anna, I suppose, is going to be a very literal person. She takes what's said and finds the most literal translation of it. Most of the time, this leads to some good chuckles.
I think it was two years ago that we were heading to a traditional family gathering, driving up from Ohio into Indiana. As we passed the state line, my husband said over his shoulder, "We are now in Indiana!" And Anna, the literal being that she is, scrunched up her face and said very seriously, "I NOT Indy! I just ANNA!" How cute is that? :)
We're also finding that she has a fairly good vocabulary for a four-year-old, but she still struggles to find the right words every so often. This past Christmas season, Anna received a sponge-sticker angel at her Sunday School. On the way home, she was peeling the stickers off and assembling the angel on a spare piece of paper. Surveying her handiwork, she got my attention and pointed to the wings. "Mommy," she asked, "what are these called...the
angel flaps?" I couldn't help laughing (I mean, seriously, how adorable!) but she got a little hurt at my reaction. Ken and I quickly explained that Mommy was laughing at her cuteness, not the question. It was a good question and they were called angel
wings. It was interesting to see how, though she didn't know the right word, she knew what wings DID. Many times she asks me what things are called using this descriptive method. But from that day on, I think of angel flaps every time I see a picture of one or we sing a song about angel wings. Precious!