Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Month of Thanksgiving -- November 2012

I was inspired by a Facebook friend to share at least one expression of thankfulness each day during November.  It has been embraced by many of my Facebook friends, and I look forward to seeing what others are thankful for each day.  I am already considering extending this practice to December as well.  I find it is an excellent way of keeping things in perspective.

A Month of Thanksgiving!!

Nov. 1 - Very thankful for the sunlight and the warmer temps today! It feels good and gives my spirit a lift! Thank you, Lord! :)

Nov. 2: I am thankful for the friendships in my life -- old and new. I am blessed with so many amazing friends who have shared a lot of laughter and inside jokes, loving hearts, shoulders to cry on, ears to talk off, and who have helped me learn many life lessons. Heavenly Father, thank you for all of the special people You have brought into my life so far and for those who are still to come.

Nov. 3: I am thankful for the many comforts I enjoy on a daily basis -- a warm house, running water, electricity, a working plumbing system, a bountiful amount of food in the house, adequate clothing to wear, a comfy bed to sleep in, reliable transportation, and finances that are stable. Lord, please help me to remember those who do not have these comforts, to share the wealth I enjoy with them, to be grateful for what I have and not covet what I don't, and to not take any of these things for granted. They can be taken away so quickly. Thank you, Lord!

Nov. 4: Thankful -- SO THANKFUL! -- that we were home when the leaking pipe we should have fixed a while ago finally gave up and blew (darn procrastination!). ;) I caught it within a minute of it happening so the mess wasn't too bad and easily mopped up. So frazzled, but at least the leak is now fixed and we can rest a little easier. Thank you, Lord, for letting us be home when this happened and that it was an easy fix.

Nov. 5: I am thankful for the blessing of a loving, supportive, God-fearing husband, a man who is also my best friend and a wonderful father to our daughters. It's really amazing to look back over the last 15 years and see God's hand guiding us through both our joys and our struggles. In so many ways, I see how God has used our contrasting personalities (as well as what we have in common) to balance each other and grow together. Thank you, Father, for the love and friendship I enjoy with my husband. He is a most wonderful gift from You.

Nov. 6: I am thankful to live in a democratic country. Even with all of its imperfections, it is still a blessing to know that when I go to the polling place today, I do not have to worry about being shot at, blown up, or persecuted in any way for doing so without the protection of the law. Lord Jesus, be with our country and with its leaders. No matter what the outco...
me of today's vote, You are ultimately in control of all things. Please work in the hearts of our lawmakers. Give them wisdom and courage to do what is fundamentally right, to fix what needs fixing and protect what does not in order to keep our country strong and on an upward course. ---- Celebrate your blessings today! PLACE YOUR VOTE!! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

2012 VBS programs - Dayton, OH

Anna has already been getting excited about VBS again this year, so I started looking up information about the local churches who will be offering daytime programs.  Here's the initial list:

June 11-15:

Washington Heights Baptist (Far Hills, south of Rahn)
Theme:  Amazing Wonders: Experiencing God's Awesome Power
Time:  9:00-11:30 a.m.
Website:  http://www.whbc.org/

Lebanon Presbyterian (Route 48 & East Street)
Theme:  Sky: Everything is Possible with God
Time:  9:00 a.m. - noon
Website:  https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/LebPresVBS/gpgs/Home.aspx

Centerville Community Church  (10688 Dayton-Lebanon Pike, off Route 48)
Theme:  SonRise National Park
Time:  Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Website:  http://www.centervillecommunity.org/#/ministries

June 18-22:

Good Shepherd Lutheran (Stroop & Ackerman)
Theme:  Babylon:  Daniel's Courage in Captivity
Time:  9:00-11:45 a.m.
Website:  http://www.goodshepherdkettering.com/pages/vbs.html

Kirkmont Presbyterian (Shakertown & North Fairfield Rd.)
Theme:  Sonrise National Park VBS
Time:  9:00 a.m. - noon
Website:  http://www.kirkmont.org/vbs.htm
*Cost:  $5

Zion Lutheran (Alex-Bell & Munger Rd.)
Theme:  Call for info
Time:  Call for info
Website:  http://www.zionelc.org/ - VBS info isn't on the church website, but my source said you must pre-register for it, as space is limited. Contact the church for details and registration information you can call 937-434-9422.

June 25-29:

Mt. Zion Community  (428 Shepherd Rd., Xenia [Beavercreek Twp.])
Theme:  Sky: Everything is Possible with God
Time:  9:00 a.m. - noon
Website:  http://www.mountzionchurch.org/children.htm

July 9-13:

Normandy United Methodist (Alex-Bell near Paragon Rd.)
Theme:  Operation Overboard – Dare To Go Deep With God!
Time:  9:30 a.m. - noon
Website:  http://www.normandyumc.org/index.php?q=content/vacationbibleschool2012

July 16-20:

Fairmont Presbyterian (Far Hills & Foxridge)
Theme:  Sky: Everything is Possible with God
Time:  9:00 a.m. - noon
Website:  Not updated yet
*Cost:  $5

July 23-27:

Emmanuel Lutheran (Wilmington Pike & Rahn)
Theme:  God's Treasure Hunt
Time:  9:00 a.m. - noon
Website:  https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/HL8Y2YZ21X/displayForm.pl?dir=Q7W4OU33_2012

Evening Programs:

Sugarcreek Presbyterian Church (Wilmington Pike & Bigger Rd.) - June 11-15, 6-8:30 p.m.
Oakwood United Methodist (Shafor & Hadley) - June 18, 19 & 20, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Greenmont Oak Park Community Church (Woodman, south of Patterson) - June 25-29, 6-8 p.m.
Hope United Methodist Church (Wilmington Pike at I-675) - July 16-20, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

*Programs are usually free, but some may charge registration.  Please check with the church if you are unsure from the information given on their website.

I'll update as I find other programs.  If you know of one that isn't listed, please let me know in the comments below or on my Facebook page (I'll post a link to this page).  Thanks!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No Greater Compliment

My warm fuzzy of the day: while I was practicing the song I'm going to sing for the Night of Worship on Friday, Anna says, "Mommy, when you sing your song, you sound like Ariel!" :) ♥ Thanks, Anna!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Poem for the Worrier

This isn't exactly a "parenting" thing, but I thought I'd share this here. It's a poem I wrote, an attempt to put into words a frustration I've been having with myself for some time....I'm trying to be better at not worrying, not letting my worries and thoughts keep me awake at night! With two active kids, my sleep is precious and still hard to come by some times! So, without further ado, here it is:

The Worrier's Prayer

I'm so weary of this worry
that hangs around my soul
Can't let it go, although I know,
My God, you're in control

Can't lay this burden down
Though my arms shake with the toll
Oh foolish mind, find peace and rest
For God is in control

Dark thoughts hover in the still of night
And sin-fueled feelings rise
Ensnaring my heart and pulling me down
Which is surely Satan's prize

Oh, Lord forgive when I can't let go
Or make these thoughts to cease
This stubborn will and bruised pride
Can't bring themselves to peace

I need Your help, Your loving hand
To calm this stormy sea
To steer me past impediments
And cruel calamity

Lord, take control! I need you now
Let your Spirit help me give
The whole of my thoughts and heart to You
And within Your Peace to live.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Humbled by thanksgiving

After about 15 minutes of frantic frustrated searching for a lost receipt, I finally drag both of the girls back to the van to head home. All the while I'm grumbling in my mind that it doesn't make sense that I would have related receipts but not the actual purchase receipt for what I'm trying to return. I move the van to a more isolated parking spot and give it one last try...practically emptying my diaper bag ( which I've now dubbed "The Black Hole"), calling my mom in Illinois to see if I left it at her house, and finally thoroughly checking my wallet for the fifth time. FINALLY! I found the receipt folded up tightly inside another receipt. I cheered and moved the van back into another parking spot. As I put the van into "park" I hear Anna's sweet voice behind me say, "Dear God, thank you for letting Mommy find her receipt. Amen." I was touched and completely humbled by that simple heart-felt prayer. I should have done the same thing but I was too distracted by the whole situation and in too much of a rush to think about praying. Not good! Thank you, Anna Jean, for making Mommy stop in her tracks and bringing me beyond myself to realize what I was forgetting to do. Lesson learned! :)