Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lyrics say what?!

Even adults have trouble figuring out lyrics to songs, with some pretty funny outcomes. It gets even funnier when kids try to figure them out.

The radio or CD player is almost always in use when I'm in the car with Anna and Sarah. It's probably a testament (good or bad, your call) of just how often that is when you find that Anna knows the lyrics to a lot of Top 40 hits on 107.7 FM. One in particular, though, got her attention and she was so excited to share with me!

"Mommy!" she exclaimed. "This song is, is, is....(she stutters when she's excited!) from that movie we saw!"

Not getting it -- the song we were listening to was "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga of all people. So, I asked, "What movie, hon?"

"That one we just saw with the green man and the kitty."

Okaaaay....that's Shrek. I'm thinking hard how the two connect but not succeeding. Silly me didn't have to wait long.

"You know! 'My, my, my ogre face, my, my ogre face'....that one!" she supplied happily.

I laughed so hard. When I could make intelligible speech again, I tried to correct her -- that it was really POKER face, not OGRE face, but she was having none of it. She stuck to it that the song was about Shrek's face. So, again...every time this song comes on the radio, I can't help but sing, "Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read-a my OGRE face!" :)

Kids say (and hear) the darnedest things!

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